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Interreg Europe: proposta da Universidade de Wroclaw na Polónia procura parceiro

Vimos pelo presente divulgar uma proposta de candidatura ao EUROPE, da Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Science, Environmental Risk Management and Ecosystem Monitoring Centre (Polónia), com vista à procura de parceiro. 

Mais informações no descritivo do projeto abaixo e no documento anexo.

“The specific objective of the project is to improve the policy instruments in the field of low energy and passive buildings. In general, we are interested in the process of cities and regions evolution into centers shaping new living standards - low-carbon cities, friendly both to people and the environment, in accordance with the philosophy and assumptions of sustainable development. More precisely, in our region we would like to improve health quality of the residents. This could be achieved also thanks to healthy microclimate inside newly built or deeply modernized buildings. We would like to share and exchange the good practices covering technological solutions, circular economy issues and ecoinnovation.”

 #InterregEurope #partnersearch

Atualizado a 13 de junho de 2018


Logotipo do Governo Regional da Madeira
Logotipo do Governo Regional da Madeira - Secretaria Regional das Finanças
Certificate ID: PT 05 1371.0
Logotipo da União Europeia